Looking forward...

Greetings farm followers! Well we pretty much have made it through sweltering August! Our eight year old triplet granddaughters from NJ left this morning for their trek back home. Momma arrived last night to pick them up. They were here visiting the farm for over 2 weeks. Let me tell you this old gal certainly is feeling her age! Chasing those girls for the last 2 weeks has been a whirlwind to say the least. Most of you know we have a total of twenty grandchildren living here on Earth. They all visit here from time to time but usually only a night or two without their parents but these little ladies were totally dependent on Grandpa and me to take care of them. Praise God He gives grace and strength liberally and He delivered us through the adventure intact. The 31st of this month my husband and I will celebrate 36 years of Covenant Marriage. All praise goes to God since we are sinners and would have given up a long time ago, but God keeps His covenants with His people and He gives grace to us to keep it together. So here we are 36 years and counting… May the love of God abound in our hearts as we serve Him together.

Well finally we were able to pick up our Oberhasli doelings from Virginia. They are sweet little does and I cannot wait till they mature. These are a slower growing breed of goat and from my understanding breeding happens when they are about 2 years old. We also purchased a wethered male and we pick up our future herd sire tomorrow as the Lord allows. So our goat adventure is in the making! Moving up the list for our Corgis so hopefully we will have more to share soon enough. My future milking sheep acquisition is still in limbo. I am on lists and I will patiently await the Lord’s timing in it all. Hopefully our beautiful country is still a country in 2022 as we watch in sheer heartbreak the events enfolding at a rapid pace. God be merciful to us….

My tribute to Carla Bartolucci has exceeded my wildest expectations as to readership. I simply wanted to express to my small group of readers how she was very instrumental in my baking with einkorn. Her family would be proud to know how much she was loved. Her death though sudden and her life cut short the legacy lives on. At least here on Didaskalos Farm Bakeshop.

My baby chicks and ducks have grown into beautiful adults. Lord willing we will have some mature enough hens to add to our menagerie of chickens. We do plan to hatch out a few chicks in the future so be on the look out for that. We have Bielfelders, Lavender Wyandottes and Cream Legbars. The Appleyards are just a comedy group most of the time. Our heritage breed turkeys (Naragansettes and Beltsville Small Whites) are roaming now with the rest of our fowl.

Finally I hope to offer some classes this Fall in our cottage. I will be offering some cookie decorating workshops and holiday baking with einkorn. And of course we will sell some to those desiring these delectable dainties. We bake 100% ORGANICALLY here and we are very picky about colorants when baking as well. Only colorants made from fruits and veggies are used here. Though many times they lack the vibrancy given by chemical colorants they have a beauty all their own. And they DO NOT make your children lose their minds!

Well farm followers feel free to comment or ask any questions. Thank you for reading my blog post. I very much appreciate your time.