Welcome Ariston & Ember!

Well they have finally arrived! Meet Ariston and Ember our Welsh Pembroke Corgis. We traveled to Perryton, Texas to get them a few weeks ago and both are doing awesome. The Breeder we worked with is an awesome lady and we are very thankful to be able to get our breeding stock from her. Both dogs are triple + clear from the genetic diseases Corgis are prone to. We wanted a solid foundation to breed from and we believe we have made the correct choice. We are trying out two separate Veterinarians, one Holistic leaning and the other very Conventional. One is local the other a distance. So we are trying our best to improve the genetics of our dogs. We are feeding 100% organic raw and supplying all the nutrients puppies need to grown strong and healthy. Our goal is to build robust immune systems in these dogs so what they pass on is truly superior to themselves.

We have decided to raise some meat rabbits. New Zealands! We are picking up two does and a buck in two weeks. Very exciting! We will be raising these rabbits organically so hopefully before long we will have a steady meat supply. As my study in animal nutrition deepens I am more and more concerned with the meat sources we have available. As many of us are well aware that the current thought on raising food animals is that there are no consequences feeding GMO grains, that are heavily sprayed with glyphosate, as well as doped up with all kinds of antibiotics. What these folks deny is that this transfers from the animal through its meat to the others that use this meat for their nutritional needs. We humans and the poor animals that depend on us are being harmed consuming them. We already raise our own meat chickens and turkeys. We also have ducks we will start to process as well. As our food supply becomes more and more unstable we must take on more and more responsibility in protecting our health and the health of those we love and care about.

Well stay tuned! I will let you all know when we make progress in the endeavors we pursue.