Spring has sprung, lookout Summer!

Greetings from Didaskalos Farm! It has been quite a while since I have written. Life has been very hectic lately. We have been dealing with a family crisis and have seen the Hand of the Lord do mighty things. It has caused my husband and I to make some adjustments to our living arrangements. We still are residing in our 9 acre, 7 bedroom/3 bath ancient property that needs ALOT of updating. However, we have had to move upstairs to the West Wing as we call it. :-) That is the area of the Farm house that we usually reserve for folks needing a place to transition before being able to resettle things in their lives ( we have had four groups go through) but apparently it is our turn. We are caring for a mentally incompetent 80 plus year old gentleman for the past 14 years. His sister was a dear Christian sister who left this Earth to Journey on to Heaven after a losing battle with uterine sarcoma. We are now caring for my husband’s mother who became widowed 5 years ago. As I seek God’s help everyday to manage everything He reminds me to count it all a privilege to serve in this capacity but it does change the dynamics in especially my role on Farm.

I have been attempting to plant my Summer garden and I am determined to get it done. I have installed two new Bee Hives and am so looking forward to honey in the not too distant future. Our meat chickens have a few more weeks before we process and I have large quail eggs in the incubator. We processed all our rabbits and have only the original doe and since the meat was so delicious we are determined to get the breeding program up and running again. We are going to start our Turkeys for Thanksgiving in the next few weeks so we can at least enjoy good meat for the holiday. We processed our two Berkshire pigs several months ago and they are absolutely delicious. We should have meat till late Fall. Our hens have FINALLY started laying again and we are overflowing with eggs at present. From the sublime to the ridiculous around here sometimes. Our Jersey milk cow Lissa has been a challenge to say the least. I thought I had a pretty good grip on dairy cows but I have learned a valuable lesson. She is really a great cow overall, trained well to be milked. Giving about 3-4 gallons of milk a day with twice a day milking now in her 13 month lactation which is quite good. No mastitis trauma Praise God so her health is excellent. However we are trying to get her bred and so far two failed attempts at AI. I will now try live cover using a bull on loan from a friend. I have decided to sell her and I think she will be a great Family Milk cow for someone.

My baking has been put on hold simply because I have not had the time to really crank up the my baking. I am baking the bare minimum to keep my family going but not filled any outside orders for sometime. I have declined several Markets/Festivals simply because I do not find enough time to do it well. I so enjoy the privilege of being able to create delicious food but until the Lord opens the door for that to take off I will wait patiently.

My Health Coaching is at a stand still. Folks are very resistant to change sadly and many continue to suffer. I am deeply aware of the economic status in our Country right now, poverty happens in many areas of our lives and low economics and lack of a sense of priority or urgency for change is a powerful driving force. Sadly I have several grown children whom my heart breaks for simply because they still do not see the connection between food and health and that FOOD is medicine.

I am now a New Country Organics Feed reseller. It has been a long time in coming but God has opened that door so I pray abundant blessing over this endeavor. I am also considering reselling Nood Clean products. This is a small business located in Taylors, SC and they have some pretty neat cleaning products. So look for the announcement of new things happening area of this crazy website.

I have a potential Bread Making Class 101 coming in late May/early June. I have been contacted by a sweet lady about offering another class. So if you are interested at all in baking bread with Einkorn please contact the Farm so we can see what can be scheduled. I am also going to include an intro to Sourdough so much can be gleaned if you desire. Still trying to settle on a price point. Hopefully we can get these classes going once again.

Well I will close this update Blog post for now. If you are interested in Einkorn and do Facebook I do have a Group called Einkorn Lovers Group. Feel free to search us out. I post lots of recipes and the folks on the Group do contribute to the conversation weekly. Till I post again! Enjoy what is left of Spring.