Remembering Carla Bartolucci

Yesterday was the first year anniversary of the passing away of Carla Bartolucci. A year ago I wrote a brief post giving tribute to Carla for her work with Einkorn. The Blog post has been one of my most read posts so it just goes to show that Carla made a tremendous impact upon the lives of others. Einkorn because of Carla has been demystified in many ways. I as a baker have been made better by her painstaking knowledge and her love of making einkorn the grain of choice around here. Her family continues to bring honor to her work and as Giulia continues to take the reigns with her family Jovial will do well. They have good products and I am so very thankful that I was able to spend the time watching Carla’s teaching videos to become more knowledgeable to be able to teach others. Thank you Bartolucci Family for sharing the treasure of you mother, wife, CEO and overall great person with the world. I am a better person for it.