Summer is on the horizon....

Greetings farm followers! Spring has run over me it seems and Summer is just over the horizon. Temperatures are heating up fast here in the Upstate of SC. In the high 80’s today and we are expecting 90’s and above over the next few days. Thankfully we have most of our late Spring/early Summer veggies in now. My husband Farmer Craig was kind enough to build for me three garden boxes before lumber prices went through the roof. I am so thankful for those boxes, less bending for me which is a great help. We used a great deal of our compost that we have made over the last few years. Also gave our Suburban Farmer daughter Ashley enough to fill two large boxes that her husband built her. Her total is now five boxes filled with nice organic veggies. My grandchildren will have lots of fresh produce from their own gardens very soon. Their momma does a great job finding organic produce from places like Misfit Market to make sure they get what they need to grow strong and healthy till they have produce of their own.

We are continuing on with our plans to renovate this old place to receive paying guests in the future. We are gathering supplies so we can tackle many of the jobs ourselves. The more difficult jobs we will hire our neighbors who are professional carpenters, builders and the like. Hopefully soon we will have the supplies bought and ready to be put into use. We have sold Zoe our heifer and are still awaiting the call for our Oberhasli goats and Awassi sheep. We have our names on the waiting lists of the farms who raise these lovely breeds of animals so we are trying to be patient. God’s timing is everything you know.

We were notified by the Breeder of whom we are hoping to purchase two Corgi herding dogs from. We are making our way up the list and Lord willing now we are anywhere from 2-6 months out. Exciting times. We have added three new rare breeds of chickens to the farm. Lavender Wyandottes, Cream Legbars and a German breed called Bielefelders. Lord willing we hope to be able to offer either fertile eggs for hatching or baby chicks from these birds in late Fall. We purchased these chicks from a farm that imports these rare breeds from the Countries of origin. They have been in business for sometime and have an impeccable reputation. The birds are quite expensive but their rarity makes the cost tolerable when we factor in saving these breeds.

My baking clientele seem to be rising in number. Many folks more interested in eating sourdough bread these days. Einkorn makes an exceptional loaf of delicious and crusty bread as well as many other bread products. Our pitas and tortillas are joining the ranks of some of the more popular items as well. However, the most popular item I sell is our Sourdough Sandwich bread. I probably make 20-30 loaves of this bread per month. And considering I am a small Cottage Baker baking from my home kitchen that is pretty exceptional I think. God continues to bless this little endeavor.

Well farm followers thank you for reading my little blog post. Please let us know how you all are fairing in these difficult times. We do thank God for each of you and trust He is your strong tower as well.
