Greetings to all you lovely farm followers. We have been livestock farming on a small scale for over 15 years now. I, Farmer Elizabeth also bake the full spectrum with ancient grains chiefly einkorn. God has a perfect plan for every one of His children’s lives so when sudden changes occur we are not totally taken off guard. This is such the situation that is upon us. My husband Farmer Craig is the only living child of his parents. Several weeks ago my father in law suffered a massive cardiac arrest. The paramedics by God’s grace were able to resuscitate my father in law and he then was transported to the nearest ICU. He spent 17 days in the hospital in Ohio (long story) my husband flew there immediately and spent those long days and nights with his parents. Thankfully my father in law is back in SC currently in a Hospital Rehab situation soon to be discharged to home. All this being said it is abundantly clear that they (my in-laws) will no longer be able to care for themselves full time. After much prayerful consideration, many tears on my side we have come to the decision to set aside our farm life at this time. What does that mean? It means finding wonderfully suited homes for all my livestock. We will begin the process by September 1st. Our Jersey calf Zoe will reach her four month milestone and can be weaned off her momma’s milk. Also we will be selling our current organically run farm . Though we are not certified organic we are more organic than many who are certified. So we can confidently transfer ownership with that being a truth. A lot to take in and even more to do. So feel free to message the farm with any questions. I will do my best to answer in a timely fashion. Pray us for us and we seek direction from our Lord He sets our path and we follow Him.