Welcome Spring!

Hello happy farm followers! Spring has finally sprung! The pollen count unfortunately has been extremely high and unhealthy here in the Upstate of SC over the last week. Today the humidity is so low we have a fire burn ban in effect warning everyone to not burn leaves or outside debris. Add to that the fact that the wind is very active today and those two factors do not bode well together! I usually do not feel the effects of pollen counts too much but the last three days I have had a terrible sore throat and a dry cough. Treatment: manuka honey, Apple cider vinegar and cayenne pepper with enough water to create a slurry to gargle with and drink. Last night I added some ginger to the mix. If I do not start noticing any improvement I will begin chewing 3-5 cloves of garlic. We have the air purifier on in the bedroom and use a large humidifier in the room as well. All very beneficial.

Looked out my office window and on top of the pillars on the front porch the little birds are building their nests. You know it is Spring when you see them busily working and setting. This is the time I watch very closely for my three barns cats whereabouts so we have no casualties! They are very good hunters I am afraid and no bird is safe around them. Need to give them a bit of extra food during these times so we do not shoot ourselves in the foot! Speaking of birds, I am on the hunt for some Narragansett turkey poults to raise. I have made contact with some folks in Georgia hopefully they will come through for me. When we had our farm in Alabama we raised both Narragansetts and Bourbon Reds. Unfortunatelyy we thought it best to re-home them before the move over to SC. Now I wish to start again. Before long April will be upon us and it will be a busy month here for sure! Will start opening the Bake Shop soon as Spring is always a great time for new beginnings! Thanks for reading this post. Please email the farm with any request, concerns or just overall feedback. Enjoy your Spring!