Season of change...

Greetings farm followers! Brrr! 37 degrees this morning here in the Upstate of SC. Winter is on the horizon and the farm is entering its sleep season. We have put our meat birds in the freezer and praise God we have food stores that will keep us into Spring. We processed a large GC ram and we have a freezer full of grass fed lamb as well. Next week Lord willing we will process two of our Beltsville Small whites for Thanksgiving and we will sit down and give Thanks to our God for ALL His blessing in 2020. It has been a difficult year for us all. We lost a dear brother-in-law a week ago to complications from Covid-19. His wife my dear sister has entered into widowhood and we are rejoicing with her that he went home to Heaven. Though her pain of separation is real God has continued to comfort her and we will gather this weekend to mourn together as a family and finally lay his earthly body to rest. Pennsylvania is a bit of a drive but we trust we will travel on the wings of Heaven as we deliver the message to their family that God cares. This virus certainly has taken its human toll and we trust not one will perish out of the sight of an almighty God. We are a nation full of evil. I say that unashamedly because I see the content by the Holy Spirit’s illumination of my own heart. We murder millions of babies in the womb every single day in America! Every perversion under the sun is practiced in our land and celebrated. Hate fills our eyes, we see it everywhere. Yet I hope! I hope that my God who hears from Heaven will cleanse us from our sin and heal our land. America was founded by God for His purposes and He will decide when we fall. Nevertheless my trust is completely in Him and I shall not FEAR what man can do to me.

We look forward to 2021! Excited for new horizons. Looking to advance my baking business and taking on a a few milking goats in the Spring. Making arrangements to have our heifer Zoe bred so we can have cow’s milk before the end of the year. We hope 2021 will be the year we can sell our farm here in SC and build a new home wherever the Lord leads us. With our freedoms under attack logistics matter. So not ruling out SC but looking at other options. Folks we are NOT Spring chickens anymore and whatever days we have left we want to live out in peace serving the Lord. Most of our children and grandchildren live here and we would miss them all but whatever God decides we do. Exciting times!

Please note we will begin moving ourselves off Facebook permanently beginning January 1, 2021. We have already set up a page on MeWe both personally and for the Farm and Einkorn groups. I am on Parler @inthebeginningbc and also on Rumble. I am still trying to understand these platforms and as I do I will hopefully be able to expand content respectfully. Please folks follow us there. You can always text my cell if you need something.

Thank you for reading my post your following matters and I am thankful for every one of you!

Welcome Fall 2020!

Greetings farm followers! Been just a little while since I last updated this farm blog. 2020 has been quite a difficult year for everyone so we are trying to keep focused and press on. Fall is officially here and it is reflected in the much welcomed cooling down of the temperatures. Gone are the days of my being able to work long hours out in the blazing sun and killer humidity here in SC. I am officially in my “60’s” now so my body reminds me that things have changed just a little bit. Sadly my mind has not gotten the memo because it thinks I am 20 and is ready to start a new adventure weekly. But I press on…

My heart rejoices that even in the ever changing situations we find ourselves in we can depend fully upon our God. He is our Rock and He has a perfect plan that He is working out in our lives and in this world. Though evil abounds especially in these dark days His glory still shines through in so many ways! The Lord blessed our family with our 20th living grandchild in January and it has been such a joy to see her do all the “firsts”. After losing my father-in-law in November last year she has surely been a blessing to all of our hearts. We do serve a wonderful God! As a redeemed child of God I do so look forward to my days on this Earth ending and being united with the Lord nevertheless I press on here in my sojourn to do the Will of Him who sent me. May God be glorified in all we say and do. May we live circumspectly taking each moment of breath He gives as a time to rejoice in God our Savior.

Wise men plan, so we look to God to make plans for our time left here on this planet. In 2021 our desire is to make full use of this big old house. This house really has been a tremendous blessing and our 7+ years here have served us well. So my prayer is that in 2021 we will be doing that! Still producing what food we can on our own. Having better arrangements for the livestock we raise, subtracting some and adding others. We believe that diversity matters so raising endangered breeds of livestock is of the utmost importance. We so desire to leave a legacy of love and hard work for our grandchildren. That integrity matters and the ultimate act of kindness is to value every single person as VALUABLE. From conception till natural death life matters. God created every race therefore our exteriors are simply the covering we have placed upon us, they do not define who we are or who we become. Let us spur each other on to good works rather than the evil deeds of darkness. Cover hate with love and purpose it your heart to be a blessing to at least one person each day. If we do this 2021 will be a most wonderful time of renewal and promise. God desires that we love one another so let us follow His direction and do as He did when He walked this earth so many years ago.

We have sold all our female Gulf Coast sheep. We have 5 rams left. Three of those rams are of breeding quality and two rams that will go to freezer camp. We will be adding some other endangered breeds of livestock in 2021 so stay tuned. My little Einkorn bakeshop (since Covid we have not opened the shop literally but we take orders via phone, text, email or IM.) I stay quite busy with a good following of regulars. I promise to publish a PDF of items with their prices so that folks can see what we have to offer. I bake 100% organically. Einkorn is my grain of choice however I do bake with other heritage grains organically grown by small farmers throughout the USA. So feel free to message or email the farm to inquire. We do not ship our products simply because we use zero preservatives so our products have a limited shelf life. Though our bread when it goes stale makes excellent croutons, breadcrumbs or just plain toast!

Well farm followers I pray blessing upon each one of you. That the Lord will keep you in perfect peace as your mind is stayed upon Him…

April Gone May Upon Us!

Good morning farm followers! Today is the last day of April wow! It is hard to believe that almost half of 2020 is already gone. So much has happened over the last 6 weeks, but God never changes and that is what stabilizes everything! We have come through this great trial much better than at least I deserve. I trust the Lord will complete what He has allowed to shape and mold His people to conform more and more to the image of His most dearly precious son. I pray earnestly for our country. I pray fervently for our President and his family. But most of all I pray that God’s glory shines brightly in us all. Death comes to us all, the timing of it is purely in the Providence of almighty God. So rather live focusing on the blessing that we all enjoy so that when death finally does arrive we will know we have lived a life of sacrifice and blessing on this Earth.

Covid-19 is a virus. However it gained the properties it has by either man’s engineering or pure mutation is a mute point at this time. What is most exciting to me at least is that we can do something ourselves about it. God created each of us with a magnificent immune system. Viruses have been attacking man for millennia and we survive without even being aware that this is happening. That being said we are a truly unhealthy group of people. We have relied on man to medicate and vaccinate us so we do not have to be responsible for the failing health many of us are plagued with. Big Ag, the Pharmaceutical industry, Conventional medicine and Fast Food have failed us simply because money is the goal not health. I reminded a family member when we were discussing the many diseases she was afflicted with that health is defined by the absence of disease not the management of it. Truly we are a deceived people. Being a nurse for over 30 years I have seen first hand the ignorance of conventional medicine trying to medicate first without any understanding of nutritional condition of the afflicted. God has given His people the ability to self heal. Medicines can be a tremendous blessing but our immune system is our first line of defense. He has provided medicine in abundance even amongst the thorns and snares. How we eat, the water we drink, the exercise we get each day and the quality and quantity of sleep matters! If we continue to ignore these things then we will continue to be plagued by these overwhelming situations and live a life full of FEAR rather than blessing. Rather than sitting in front of a TV blasting out hate, gloom and doom get outside in nature. Enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. Sit by a window and enjoy the rain! These things will do far more for you mentally and physically than you will ever know.

I recently watched a movie with my family after evening chores. Overall I did not like the movie but nevertheless one statement in that movie really impacted my thinking. One of the leading actors made a statement to a family member he was estranged from as they were having a conversation. The old man who played the grumpy old grandfather inquired of the young man about his life and the young man replied, ”I am a lawyer” to which the other actor replied, ”do not define yourself by what you do” the young man was startled at the comment and he sat there pondering the depth of it. He had allowed his occupation to define who he was. He was proud that he was a lawyer but rather than ponder the depth of the question of “how he was” he summed his entire life up by what he did. How guilty am I? To allow ourselves to be defined by what we do as an occupation is ridiculous. We are MORE than that. Yes many occupations are noble but not everyone working in those fields ARE! So to lump yourself together with others is not wise! Set a standard and live by it. Make the occupation you are in a true honorable calling not just a lumped together group of sheeple. Be a blessing to your generation and the generations to come.

Thank you for reading my little blog post. We are busy with our gardens and trusting that the harvest will be abundant as we sow into many lives this Summer. May God be glorified!

Spring is here...

Greetings farm followers! Happy April 1st! The scripture verse that always comes forth mostly on this day every year in my mind is this, “The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God” Psalm 14:1 Imagine that! To actually believe that something greater than us really does not exist! Denying what the month of April brings we just have to look around at all the newness of life surrounding us. Hope abounds in our hearts each and every day when we look away from ourselves and choose to look up to God. Though we are very sober minded about the sickness and death occurring all around us we cannot fall prey to fear. Let us examine ourselves and take good stock of what we are, how we live and what our plans for the future hold? God is not done with us, He has not given up on His children. He cannot because Jesus purchased every single one of us and we are found fully accepted and with purpose in Him. He said in His infallible word that He never forsakes, nor leaves His children. So we must stand on this TRUTH and trust God and show that your faith is not dead by being active in your pursuit of holiness in serving God. Brethren we indeed are in some very difficult times but we must remember that beauty comes from ashes, so whatever losses we must take do not despair God is for us.

Now Spring is the time for planning and planting! Yay! I have decided to do a patio garden on my lovely old Southern front porch. The big garden we have is in direct sun and it will be just be too much for me to manage this year. So patio gardening it is! One of my sweet daughter-in-laws gave me 4 or 5 ferns to hang all around the porch last year but unfortunately the wasps decided that was a great place to live. So when watering time came about 15-20 wasps would fly out of each plant and get a bit aggressive. Now I have honey bees so I am not fearful of getting stung but wasps are not the kind of stings that I enjoy, in fact I had a severe allergic reaction a few years back which required an ambulance ride to the ER. Not fun! So working off that concept I am going to hang tomato plants with basil. Grow cayenne peppers in pots, trellis some cucumbers and zucchini and grow pots of varying types of herbs. Hopefully I will be able to take some photos and upload them to our website. I am so challenged that way!! Well folks I am praying for you all, praying God will continue to be merciful. Praying that our President stays well and is guided and surrounded by lovingly wise and godly leaders and advisors who want the best for the American people. Stay well and make the best out of this trial for God’s glory and your good!

Happy Spring!

Well Spring has sprung and so has mass hysteria. The Novel Corona Virus which originated in Wuhan, China has reached pandemic status as everyone is well aware. Life as we know it has dramatically changed for so many. But God has not! Those of us who are not ashamed to Declare Him know perfectly well He is alive and well and in FULL control. Jesus knows what we are going through and He has raised up Donald Trump for such a time as this. Turn to Jesus and do as we are commanded in 2 Chronicles and humble ourselves, repent from our wicked ways and God WILL heal our land. This cry and command is to the CHURCH , not the heathen folks! Stop looking at the world, look at your own heart and where you are SPIRITUALLY. I know God is speaking to me for I have forgotten in many ways my first LOVE! I am guilty before a Holy God and I ask for forgiveness of my sin. Life is but a vapor… God is eternal and so are we! This is just a sojourn here on Earth we will spend ETERNITY somewhere for God has declared it so! So I am pleading with all of my Brethren to repent and ask God for forgiveness and to cry out to heal our land. Please Lord bind the wicked devices of the evil one and his consorts. You have declared that the Gates of Hell can never prevail against you Lord so please Father God show us your mighty hand and help us I pray for Jesus Sake!